Category: Safety
Community Policing Meeting Dates
Here is a list of upcoming meeting dates for community members to meet with our local Resident Beat Officers (RBO) and Neighborhood Resource Officers (NRO) to discuss issues of safety and other topics. Meetings are at 7:00 PM. DATE ZONE LOCATION Tue 14Jun16 Zone 7/8 Barrie Center Wed 06Jul16 Zone 6 618 S Austin substation Tue …
Community Meeting about the Proposed Roosevelt Gun Shop – November 29
Please join SEOPCO for a discussion about the gun shop that has been proposed for 6338 Roosevelt Road. Participants (still in formation) Date: Tuesday, November 29 Place: Irving Auditorium Time: 7:00 – 8:30 (maybe earlier) Participants (still in formation): Justin Delafuente – owner of the proposed gun shop Members of the Village Board of Trustees…