Category: Featured
ACTION ALERT: IDOT’s preferred options all call for widening the Ike
Dear Neighbors. Please read the letter below from the Citizens for Appropriate Transportation. The Illinois Department of Transportation’s four alternatives for the I-290 involve widening it. We all have until next Monday, May 20th to communicate our opinions to IDOT. The SEOPCO board intends to express to IDOT our opposition to their current build alternatives, and…
Two Candidate Forums – Two Chances to be Informed
Be an informed voted this Spring! District 200 Candidate Forum & Village President and Trustee Candidate Forum District 200 – Oak Park River Forest School Board Candidate Forum Date: Thursday, March 14 Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm Place: Irving Elementary School Auditorium – 1125 S. Cuyler Village President and Trustee Candidate Forum Date:…
Come See Food Patriots! – February 12
SEOPCO is partnering with Green Community Connections to bring a free screening of the movie “Food Patriots” to Irving (1125 S. Cuyler) on Tuesday, 2/12 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.. Join Chicago-based filmmaker, Jeff Spitz, to view and discuss his new film, food, and the future of America’s health, environment and jobs. Touched by…
SEOPCO Updates its Mission
At the 2012 SEOPCO annual meeting, the Board of Director’s adopted a new mission statement and set of cultural beliefs to guide the organization’s work as it heads into the its tenth year. This new language creates a strong foundation for the activities and issues that SEOPCO will engage in over the next several years.…