Family is on everyone’s mind this time of year, and we’re proud to share another SEOPCO Story, of someone who raised their children in Southeast OP. Meet Billy Kunz!
William (Billy) Kunz lives on the 1150 block of South Lombard. He’s a retired CTA bus driver and yogi who enjoys READING, his grandchildren, and travel (emphasis his). You can check out his and wife Angela’s Little Free Library in the front yard right… near one of the oldest American Elm trees in Oak Park!
When asked to name something he loves about our neighborhood, he says SEOP is “The red-headed step-child. No heated sidewalks down this away.” But being close to Maze Library, Trattoria 225, and Awaken Your Spirit & Embrace Your Journey more than makes up for it.
Billy can swap more stories about “infamous” residents and politics (self-proclaimed Bernie or Bust guy) if you find him and his grandkids at The Looking Glass or playing in the cul-de-sac.