Category: Uncategorized
Attention Small or Home-Based Business Owners and Nonprofit Organizations
Barrie Fest offers you a great opportunity to increase your exposure to the community. For $25 ($20 non-profit), secure a space for your table at the business/organization fair. See attached for details. Barrie Fest Biz Request ’10 (MS Word format) Barrie Fest Biz Request ’10 (PDF format)
Interested In Urban Gardening In Oak Park?
Come to Green Tuesdays for Gardening to learn more. 7-9PM, April 6th Public Works Center, 201 South Blvd. For more information-
Community Forum- The “Ike” and Roosevelt Road
April 22, 2010, 7 – 9 PM Irving Elementary School, 1125 S. Cuyler TOPICS I-290 Resurfacing Starts in April How the Village will minimize impact of vehicles using our streets as alternate routes. IDOT is considering lane expansion for I-290 Why the Village and citizens are advocating for alternative solutions. Roosevelt Rd. Streetscaping Summer 2010…
Rep. Danny Davis holds town hall meeting in Oak Park
Congressman Danny K. Davis will hold a town hall meeting on Tuesday, April 6 in the council chambers of the Oak Park Village Hall, 123 Madison. All are encouraged to attend this meeting, which will start at 7 PM. Agenda items will include health care, jobs and the economy, and other constituent interests. “Town halls…
Resident Beat Officer Meeting – Every 2nd Tuesday of every month, 7 P.M. located at Barrie Center 1011 S. Lombard Ave. For more information, please contact Resident Beat Officer John Rumoro at (708) 305-9782 or email: Roosevelt Road Business Association – contact Paul Zimmerman for meeting location.