Category: Featured

  • SEOPCO Invites you to our election forums

    SEOPCO Invites you to our election forums

    Be an informed voter this Spring! SEOPCO is sponsoring upcoming candidate forums for three village elections: Trustee, School District 97 and Village President. All candidate forums will be held at the Irving Elementary School Auditorium – 1125 S. Cuyler, starting at 7pm and concluding about 8:30. Candidates will answer questions prepared in advance by the…

  • Join us at BarrieFest!

    Join us for fun, food, and friendship in Barrie Park! Noon until 5:00pm on Saturday, Sept. 8. Activities include: Bike Registration by OPPD Book Bike from Oak Park Public Library Bounce House & Obstacle Course for All Ages Climbing Wall Fire Truck with Flame House Food from Carnivore and Happy Apple Live music Organization &…

  • 2017 SEOPCO Goals

    2017 SEOPCO Goals Continue to keep SEOP residents informed on local issues relating to our Mission. Maintain and communicate a positive identity for our neighborhood. Continue to work with Citizens for Appropriate Transportation and the Village of Oak ParkP on the I-290 redevelopment Possibly hold a forum to communicate with neighbors Discuss and encourage diversity…

  • SEOPCO Accomplishments in 2016

    Informed our neighborhood about local events, communicating  via Facebook, our email list and Twitter. Organized our annual Barrie Fest, which took place in September.  Live bands played throughout the afternoon as approximately 400 neighbors enjoyed visiting our business fair and jumping in the bounce houses, This year we also added a climbing wall, which was quite popular.…

  • BarrieFest 2015! Celebrating the Southeast Oak Park Community Saturday, September 12 Barrie Park (Lombard at Garfield) 12 – 5 PM Live Entertainment!* 12:00 Walter Mitty Jazz Band 1:15 Jim Haptonstahl 2:30 Contemporary Music Project 4:00 Walking Boots  Lots of Activities! Bounce House and Obstacle Course! Organization and Business Fair The Book Bike! (1 pm) Oak…