2017 SEOPCO Goals
- Continue to keep SEOP residents informed on local issues relating to our Mission.
- Maintain and communicate a positive identity for our neighborhood.
- Continue to work with Citizens for Appropriate Transportation and the Village of Oak ParkP on the I-290 redevelopment
- Possibly hold a forum to communicate with neighbors
- Discuss and encourage diversity
- Ongoing discussion of this topic and how it relates to who we are and where we live
- Consider holding a diversity forum, partnering with the Housing Center
- Continue annual events
- Movie night with the Park District
- Back to School pizza party with Irving School
- Tentative date is Friday, September 8
- Barrie Fest
- Tentative date is Saturday, September 9
- Encourage and support a “Green” Community
- Ongoing discussion and collaboration with local organizations to encourage conservation and recycling
- Hold an election forum for Village government candidates and the D97 referendum